The Videographic Essay: Practice and Pedagogy

Allison de Fren

Allison de Fren is an Assistant Professor in the Media Arts & Culture Department at Occidental College. Her research-creation focuses on gender, technology, and the body. She is the director of the feature-length documentary The Mechanical Bride (2012), which had its world premiere at Hot Docs International Documentary Festival. Her videographic essay, "Fembot in a Red Dress," which was started at the Middlebury workshop, was published in [in]Transition, and her video essay "Ex Machina: Questioning the Human Machine" was published by Fandor. She posts video work on her Vimeo page.

This page has paths:

  1. Credits Jason Mittell

Contents of this tag:

  1. The Stepford Wives PechaKucha
  2. The Stepford Wives Epigraph
  3. EX MACHINA: Questioning the Human Machine
  4. Fembot in a Red Dress