The Videographic Essay: Practice and Pedagogy

John Gibbs

John Gibbs teaches film at the University of Reading, UK. He is a member of the editorial board of Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism and series (co)editor of Palgrave Close Readings in Film and Television. His publications include Mise-en-scène: Film Style and Interpretation (2002) and The life of mise-en-scène: visual style and British film criticism, 1946-78 (2013). John published his reflections on the 2015 workshop and shared some of his videographic exercises. His videographic essay on Max Ophuls, which he started at the workshop, is forthcoming from [in]Transition, and his videographic essay on The Phantom Carriage, co-produced with Douglas Pye, was published by Movie.

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  1. Credits Jason Mittell

Contents of this tag:

  1. Notorious Alternative Trailer