The Videographic Essay: Practice and Pedagogy

Videographic Exercises

These videos are examples of exercises produced as part of the 2015, 2017, and 2018 workshops by various participants. Many thanks to all the participants for allowing their works to be shared, as well as our collaborators in running the workshop: Catherine Grant, Ethan Murphy, Stella Holt, August Laska, Emma Hampsten, Eric Faden, Kevin B. Lee, Corey Creekmur, Liz Greene, and Allison de Fren. Learn more about all of them in the Credits.

-Christian Keathley and Jason Mittell

This page has paths:

  1. The Videographic Essay Jason Mittell

Contents of this path:

  1. Videographic PechaKuchas
  2. Voiceover Exercises
  3. Videographic Epigraph
  4. Multiscreen Composition
  5. Videographic Trailers
  6. Gallery of All Exercises