The Videographic Essay: Practice and Pedagogy

Gallery of All Exercises


This page has paths:

  1. Videographic Exercises Jason Mittell

Contents of this tag:

  1. The Big Sleep PechaKucha
  2. Abstract Trailer for Brothers
  3. Epigraph Exercise: Trouble in Paradise
  4. Close Up
  5. Abstract Trailer for Transparent
  6. Abstract Trailer for Steadicam videographic essay
  7. Imitation of Life Storytelling Voiceover
  8. Multiscreen PechaKuchas
  9. Fantasia PechaKucha
  10. Husbands Storytelling Voiceover
  11. Stepford Wives Videographic Epigraph
  12. Abstract Trailer for Twin Peaks: The Return
  13. Belle de Jour Alternative Trailer
  14. Adaptation Videographic Epigraph
  15. Affair in Trinidad Voiceover Exercise
  16. The Magnificent Ambersons PechaKucha
  17. La Ciénaga Alternative Trailer
  18. Captain Blood Voiceover
  19. Abstract Trailer for Deadwood
  20. Stepford Wives PechaKucha
  21. Suspiria Alternative Trailer
  22. Notorious alternative trailer
  23. Gravity Epigraph
  24. Vampire Diaries / Imitation of Life PechaKucha
  25. Jauja Alternative Trailer
  26. Encounters
  27. Barry Lyndon Epigraph
  28. Blade Runner 2049 Multiscreen
  29. Mahogany PechaKucha
  30. Water Nymph Multiscreen
  31. M*A*S*H Multiscreen Exercise
  32. Belle de Jour Storytelling Voiceover
  33. Elephant Man Multiscreen
  34. The Elephant Man Voiceover