Gallery of All Exercises
CreditsThis page has paths:
- Videographic Exercises Jason Mittell
Contents of this tag:
- The Big Sleep PechaKucha
- Abstract Trailer for Brothers
- Epigraph Exercise: Trouble in Paradise
- Close Up
- Abstract Trailer for Transparent
- Abstract Trailer for Steadicam videographic essay
- Imitation of Life Storytelling Voiceover
- Multiscreen PechaKuchas
- Fantasia PechaKucha
- Husbands Storytelling Voiceover
- Stepford Wives Videographic Epigraph
- Abstract Trailer for Twin Peaks: The Return
- Belle de Jour Alternative Trailer
- Adaptation Videographic Epigraph
- Affair in Trinidad Voiceover Exercise
- The Magnificent Ambersons PechaKucha
- La Ciénaga Alternative Trailer
- Captain Blood Voiceover
- Abstract Trailer for Deadwood
- Stepford Wives PechaKucha
- Suspiria Alternative Trailer
- Notorious alternative trailer
- Gravity Epigraph
- Vampire Diaries / Imitation of Life PechaKucha
- Jauja Alternative Trailer
- Encounters
- Barry Lyndon Epigraph
- Blade Runner 2049 Multiscreen
- Mahogany PechaKucha
- Water Nymph Multiscreen
- M*A*S*H Multiscreen Exercise
- Belle de Jour Storytelling Voiceover
- Elephant Man Multiscreen
- The Elephant Man Voiceover