To see many more examples of videographic scholarship and explore related resources and citations, see [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Scholarship.
Contents of this path:
- Elizabeth Alsop
- Katie Bird
- Vicki Callahan
- Corey Creekmur
- Allison de Fren
- Tracy Cox-Stanton
- Shane Denson
- Nathaniel Deyo
- Eric Faden
- John Gibbs
- Catherine Grant
- Liz Greene
- Susan Harewood
- Adam Hart
- Stella Holt
- Christian Keathley
- Patrick Keating
- Melanie Kohnen
- Jaap Kooijman
- Evelyn Kreutzer
- Kevin B. Lee
- Derek Long
- Kathleen Loock
- Casey McCormick
- Jason Mittell
- Nicole Morse
- Ethan Murphy
- Nguyen Tan Hoang
- Sean O'Sullivan
- Nicolas Poppe
- Maria Pramaggiore
- Jordan Schonig
- Michael Talbott
- Kristen Warner