The Videographic Essay: Practice and Pedagogy


The videos featured on this site were produced by participants in the NEH-sponsored workshops Scholarship in Sound & Image, and as mentored by the workshop leaders and guest presenters. To learn more about these participants and mentors and see their videographic work, follow their links above or below.

To see many more examples of videographic scholarship and explore related resources and citations, see [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Scholarship.

Contents of this path:

  1. Elizabeth Alsop
  2. Katie Bird
  3. Vicki Callahan
  4. Corey Creekmur
  5. Allison de Fren
  6. Tracy Cox-Stanton
  7. Shane Denson
  8. Nathaniel Deyo
  9. Eric Faden
  10. John Gibbs
  11. Catherine Grant
  12. Liz Greene
  13. Susan Harewood
  14. Adam Hart
  15. Stella Holt
  16. Christian Keathley
  17. Patrick Keating
  18. Melanie Kohnen
  19. Jaap Kooijman
  20. Evelyn Kreutzer
  21. Kevin B. Lee
  22. Derek Long
  23. Kathleen Loock
  24. Casey McCormick
  25. Jason Mittell
  26. Nicole Morse
  27. Ethan Murphy
  28. Nguyen Tan Hoang
  29. Sean O'Sullivan
  30. Nicolas Poppe
  31. Maria Pramaggiore
  32. Jordan Schonig
  33. Michael Talbott
  34. Kristen Warner

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