The Videographic Essay: Practice and PedagogyMain MenuThe Videographic EssayTable of ContentsIntroduction, Acknowledgements, and Further ReadingScholarship in Sound & Image: A Pedagogical EssayPedagogical essay authored by Christian Keathley and Jason MittellDissolves of PassionIn Dialogue: Eric Faden and Kevin B. LeeBecoming Videographic Critics: A Roundtable ConversationA conversation among practitioners curated by Jason MittellBut Is Any Of This Legal?Videographic ExercisesGallery of All ExercisesCreditsChristian Keathley0199b522721abf067a743773a226b6064fe22f8cJason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945deCatherine Grantc9eab209ad26b2e418453515f6418aa2cbe20309
Eric Faden
12016-05-03T14:28:37-07:00Jason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945de75435structured_gallery2019-12-20T15:18:43-08:00Jason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945deEric Faden, Associate Professor of Film & Media Studies at Bucknell University, served as a guest presenter at the 2015 Middlebury workshop. He is a pioneer in scholarly media production, having renounced the practice of academic essay writing in "A Manifesto for Critical Media." His most well-known project is "A Fair(y) Use Tale," which has been a mainstay in teaching about copyright for the past decade. He discusses his videoes "Strangers X," "The Documentary's New Politics," and "Visual Disturbances" in his conversation about critical media practices with Kevin B. Lee.
12016-05-08T09:43:33-07:00Jason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945deSTRANGERS X by Eric Faden et al1A video discussed in Eric Faden, 'Strangers X: A Proof of Concept?", THE CINE-FILES, 7, Fall 2014. Online at: GrantAlfred Hitchcockvideo essayvideographic film studiesfilm analysisEric FadenJason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945de
12019-12-20T14:58:11-08:00Jason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945deEric Faden: The Documentary's New Pollitics1Eric Faden looks at the use of realism in American documentary after the work of Michael Moore.plain2019-12-20T14:58:11-08:00YouTubeIPhoneConservative2013-04-25T05:51:53.000ZG0EabSOsEgQJason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945de
12019-12-20T15:05:09-08:00Jason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945deVISUAL DISTURBANCES1AN ESSAY FILM ON CINEMATIC BLINDNESS
VISUAL DISTURBANCES explores the psychology of 'inattentional blindness' -- the inability to perceive things that are in plain sight directly in front of us.
The film applies this psychological theory to cinematic perception and proposes a radical history of film style. Examining a diverse range of filmmakers from the Lumière Brothers to Jacques Tati to Michael Haneke, filmmaker Eric Faden reveals a hidden film style he calls “the invisible cinema.”
To help see this invisible cinema, VISUAL DISTURBANCES utilizes new methods for visualizing eye tracking technology to illustrate how we actually watch a film and how filmmakers purposely utilize the invisible cinema to outflank our perceptual abilities.
12016-05-08T09:35:33-07:00Jason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945deA Fair(y) Use Tale1Not made by me,found it online,available for download on website Disney Parody explanation of Copyright Law and Fair Use Synopsis: Professor Eric Faden of ...plain2016-05-08T09:35:33-07:00YouTube2007-05-19T02:31:53.000ZCJn_jC4FNDoJas AJason Mittell06e96b1b57c0e09d70492af49d984ee2f68945de